Fix Your Leakage: Why & When to Call The Leak Detection Services

Leaks can happen due to many reasons. We believe if you have pipelines installed for any purpose at all, be it cooking gas connection or plumbing system, leaks are going to come uninvited. Why you may ask! Well it is simply because you are using it. Yes, the reasons can be many but the simplest one is this. So you may encounter leaks once in your lifetime. We have our fair share of experience as leak detection services providers over the years. Today we are sharing everything you should know about leakage formation in your home, why and when to call the leak detection services for the rescue. Let’s get started.

The Process and Reasons of Leak Development

Any system that is under constant usage has the risk of developing leakage. Developing leaks is a sign of wear and tear, it is the sign of prolonged service, which is quite normal. After all, the fitting pipes of your gas supply or plumbing system also have a lifespan of their own. Apart from this natural process sometimes damages, accidents, blockages etc can happen. A lot of situations can lead to leak development actually.

  1. Physical Damage: Any damage that is caused by the users or any accidental damage from the surrounding may form leaks
  2. Chemical Damage: If some unwanted substance gets leaked into the plumbing system which is highly damaging towards the pipes may cause horrible chemical damage. Sometimes salts present in water also build up inside the pipes and cause damage.
  3. Corrosion: Constant flow of water over a period of time causes permanent corrosion of drainage pipes, leading to leaks.
  4. High Water Pressure: High or very high water pressure can cause severe leakage, sometimes even bursting of water pipes. 
  5. Clogged Lines: Clogs may develop over a prolonged usage which eventually lead to leakage. 
  6. Tree Roots: Trees from the surroundings may spread their roots through the plumbing system pipes which can cause leaks and serious damage.

Why Leak Detection is Important

Leaks may appear both internally and externally. Most of the plumbing system pipes are installed inside the walls of our house, away from plain eyesight. Only a certain portion of pipes are visible. A leak may appear anywhere, due to any of the above mentioned reasons. In case of external leaks, as  they are visible to us we get concerned instantly. In case of internal leaks  you may not get any science until it’s too late. When you see a decreased water flow through your pipes or taps it may be due to a leak which is not visible to you yet. If it is left unattended for a long time  things may get worse. This is why it is very important to detect leaks as early as possible. 

When to Call the Leak Detection Services

There are certain obvious signs of leaks or malfunctions that you may experience. Here are some,

  1. Reduction in Water Pressure: When you observe a reduction in water pressure or flow from your taps or any other sources it may happen due to leak or blockages. Whichever the case is, you must get it detected in order to prevent any major mishaps. 
  2. Musty Smell: If a musty smell appears from your wall mounted cupboards or closed spaces which does not go away despite all the cleaning then it is an obvious sign of a hidden water leak.
  3. Mold: Molds usually grow on damp or humid walls. If you see mold in closed spaces then this too is an obvious sign of water leakage.  
  4. Increased Utility Bills : Undetected leakage of water leads to water waste which increases your water bills.
  5. Damp Spots: hiddenly cage causes spreading of water from inside the walls which A eventually leads to damp spots.
  6. Discolouration: Faded,  discoloured spots also may appear due to water leakage.
  7. Peeling of Wall Paints: A constantly wet and damp wall leads to peeling of wall paints. Hence this is a sign of water leakage as well. 

So these are some of the most commonly noticed signs of water leakage in a house. if any or multiple of these signs appear you should call the leak detection services. At RDF plumbing not only we have leak detection services, we also provide hidden leak detection, plumbing services and all sorts of water leak detection. Our expert leak detection specialists are just one call away.


Each and every situation is different from one another yet they all have some sort of similarities with each other. If  you remember these clear signs  of water leakage you will be prepared to call in the league detection services swiftly to save yourself from bigger disasters.