Tips for Managing Maintenance and Repairs in Student Accommodation

As a student living in rented accommodation, it’s important to be prepared for maintenance and repair issues that may arise. Establishing a proactive approach and understanding how to effectively manage these situations can help maintain a comfortable and hassle-free living environment. With the support of trusted Leicester letting agents, you can navigate maintenance and repairs in student accommodation more efficiently. Here are some valuable tips to help you manage maintenance and repairs effectively:

Student accommodation in Leicester is abundant and diverse, catering to the needs of its thriving student population. From modern purpose-built residences with state-of-the-art facilities to shared houses and flats, students can find suitable options to suit their preferences and budgets. The city’s universities are well-connected to various accommodation areas, making it convenient for students to access their campuses. Moreover, Leicester’s vibrant atmosphere and cultural diversity make it an exciting place to live and study.

Report Issues Promptly:

Whenever you encounter a maintenance or repair issue in your student accommodation, report it to your Leicester letting agents as soon as possible. Promptly reporting problems, such as a leaking faucet or a faulty electrical appliance, can prevent them from escalating and causing further damage. Be sure to provide detailed information about the issue to aid the maintenance team in addressing it effectively.

Maintain Open Communication:

Maintain open and clear communication with your letting agents regarding maintenance and repair concerns. Inform them of any issues you come across and keep them updated on the progress of ongoing repairs. Respond promptly to any communication from the letting agents or maintenance team to ensure efficient resolution of problems.

Document Everything:

Keep a record of all communication and documentation related to maintenance and repairs. This includes emails, work orders, receipts, and any other relevant paperwork. Having a well-documented history of the reported issues and repairs can be valuable in case of any disputes or future reference.

Understand Tenant Responsibilities:

Familiarise yourself with your tenant’s responsibilities regarding maintenance and repairs. Review your tenancy agreement or lease to understand what repairs are your responsibility and what falls under the landlord’s obligations. This knowledge will help you determine when to report an issue to the letting agents and when to address it yourself.

Follow Proper Maintenance Practices:

Take proactive measures to maintain your student accommodation. Regularly clean and perform basic maintenance tasks, such as unclogging drains and replacing light bulbs. Simple maintenance practices can help prevent common issues and contribute to a more pleasant living environment.

Emergency Procedures:

Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures provided by your letting agents. Know how to handle urgent situations, such as water leaks or electrical faults. Keep a list of emergency contact numbers readily available for quick reference.

Be Patient and Cooperative:

Understand that maintenance and repair requests may take time to be addressed, depending on the urgency and availability of resources. Be patient and cooperative throughout the process, working with the letting agents and maintenance team to ensure timely resolution of issues.


Effectively managing maintenance and repairs in student accommodation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable living environment. By promptly reporting issues, maintaining open communication, documenting all relevant information, understanding tenant responsibilities, practising proper maintenance, familiarising yourself with emergency procedures, and maintaining patience and cooperation, you can navigate maintenance and repairs more smoothly. Trusting the support of reputable Leicester letting agents will provide invaluable guidance and assistance throughout the process.